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  • Writer's pictureHarriet Kinsey

Spring clean time

Updated: May 4, 2020

With spring just around the corner now is the perfect time to give yourself a spring clean; so lets start with your make up. Hands up whose got the broken powders, run down lipsticks and questionably aged mascara, I certainly know that I do.

So open up that make up draw, tip out that make up bag and give it a sort out.

Did you know that makeup has a shelf life once its been opened. Below I have listed various makeup types and let you know the time you should use it by. I was surprised by a couple of them when I was researching for this blog.

Make up products & Expiration date:

  • Mascara - 3-6 months

  • Eyeliner - Liquid is 6 months, Pencil is 2 years

  • Foundation - 6-12 months

  • Lipstick/Lip gloss - 1-2 years

  • Powder products - 2 years

The makeup is now all sorted now lets talk about those makeup brushes and sponges, when was the last time you cleaned them? You should be cleaning your sponges and brushes at least once a month but every two weeks is better.

Makeup brushes & sponges come into contact with not just the products but your skin as well. So unclean brushes will have a build up of product, oil and dead skin on them so cleaning them regularly eliminates this build up and allows for a much easier and cleaner makeup application as well as using less product too which will save you money ( always a bonus).

Here are my top steps for cleaning your make up brushes & sponges:

1) Mix some facial cleanser in a bowl with warm water.

2) Starting with your least dirty sponge or brush either swirl the brush in the bowl remembering not to soak the roots of the brush. For sponges place in the water and allow to soak for a few seconds before giving a good squeeze to get out the water. Remember makeup products may stain the sponges.

3) Rinse your brushes in warm water, again not soaking the roots of the brush. For sponges continue to squeeze them in the warm water.

4) Set your brushes and sponges out on a towel and remember to lay your brushes flat to dry overnight.

5) Repeat this every 2-4 weeks to keep those brushes clean.

How much better is it feeling that you have got your makeup in order and your brushes/sponges all squeaky clean. Let's now have a think about how to spring ready our skincare routine and how it transitions from winter to spring. Hers my top tips for spring readying your skincare routine.

1) Cut back on the heavy moisturisers. During the winter you may use a heavier moisturising cream to combat dehydration. In the spring you can swap to a lighter cream and remember to make sure that it includes a SPF.

2) Remember to use a face scrub to remove dry skin cells which will both brighten & freshen your skin.

3) Hopefully we will have glorious spring weather (fingers crossed) and whilst your out enjoying the sun remember to wear a high SPF. The skin on you face is prone to sunburn due to its thinness so to prevent the unsightly lobster look remember to add an SPF.

4) Keep using a weekly mask in your skincare routine. This will help to maintain the balance of your skin.

So, there they are my top tips for spring skin care. Coming in our April blog is how to best sandal prep your feet and how to tell what type of skin you have.

March treatment of the month: Full body sugar scrub - This is the perfect treatment for giving your skin a full MOT by removing those dead skin cells and leaving your skin super soft to the touch.

March top three nail colours:

1) Raspberry Bon Bon

2) Unicorn

3) Orchid.

To book your gel polish treatment get in contact now.

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