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  • Writer's pictureHarriet Kinsey

Winter prep your skin

Winter can be a really tough season for our skin with the weather being changeable, central heating & the very tempting treats of the season. All these things can be really telling on our skin. But do not worry I have compiled a list of the most effective winter skincare tips that will make sure you have glowing winter ready skin.

The most important thing that you can do for your skin in winter ( in fact in any season) is stay hydrated. Winter can be really drying on our skin, so you may find that you need to change up your products in the winter perhaps a slightly heavier moisturisers or adding in a moisturising face mask to you skincare routine.

Exfoliation is key in the winter and not just on your face. Twice a weeks use a body brush combined with a good body moisturiser and add an extra exfoliation to your face as dry skin can easily build up in the winter and this can lead to patch, flaky skin which is far from ideal.

Protect you skin, even in winter the sun rays can damage your skin so add an SPF to your routine. Most moisturisers contain an SPF so when you are next looking for a new skin product make sure it contains that added boost to protect your skin.

Have a weekly detox. What better reason is there then to have pamper session. Get yourself a detox face mask that will help tighten, tone and purify your skin. In the winter months your skin gets exposed to really cold/ really warm conditions in quick succession and this can have a negative effect on your skin. So by using a detox mask it will help to rebalance any issue within the skin.

Give your skin a break, Ideal this should be all year round but your skin will be so thankful for a day off from make-up and excessive skin products. Some days, perhaps once a week just have a day where you have just your moisturiser on. You should also consider switching to a gentle cleanser as your skin can get more sensitive in the winter due to the changing elements.

Lastly let talk lips. Lips are often forgotten about when it comes to skincare but your lips can really bare the brunt of changing seasons. Two products that should be within your daily routine is a lip scrub and a moisturising lip balm. You can even get lipsticks with added moisturiser in them.

I certainly hope these tips helps make your skin have the best winter of its life. At Inner City Beauty we do offer a wide range of facial treatments that will give you and your skin a well deserved pamper. For further details please don't hesitate to get in contact

Next time we will be looking at the fabulous benefits of one of our facial treatments......Microdermabrasion.

Take care

Harriet xxx.

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