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  • Writer's pictureHarriet Kinsey

Winter ready your hands and feet

During the winter or hands and feet are really put to the test, so how can we protect and look after them during the winter months.

First off lets talk about your hands. Your hands don't get any time off they are always exposed to the elements and what ever your doing. The cold and dry heat can really be damaging to your hands so what can you do to help them?

  • Every morning and evening apply a cuticle treatment - this could be a lotion or oil.

  • Exfoliate the hands this can be with a body brush or a skin polish scrub or bar - just remember to do this gently as the skin on our hands needs to be treated with care.

  • Apply a moisturising hand cream every day and if you can sleep with special gloves on with the moisturiser on. The heat from the gloves allows a deeper penetration of the product. If you cant sleep with gloves on.. I know I can't then sit for at least 15 minutes with them on.

  • Have regular manicures - why not make it part of your routine to have a monthly manicure which will really help protect and help your hands.

Now our hands are looking good and prepared for winter lets talk about feet. Feet are always neglected during the winter but in actual fact the winter is when feet need most looking after. When the thicker socks and boots are on your feet will perspire more a create not the best atmosphere for your feet and like your hands your feet never have a day off and should be looked after. So what can you do to look after them?

  • Tackle the hard skin - this can be really tricky to do yourself b ut if you have afoot file give your feet a scrub every day to keep on top of the build up of dry skin.

  • As with our hands moisture is important - so make sure you are using a heavy duty foot cream everyday. The market is saturated with foot care products but all you need is a good foot cream with some mint in. The mint helps to reduce any swelling within the feet.

  • Get a regular pedicure - If you simply cant reach your feet or you'd prefer someone else to do it keep up with monthly pedicure and then your toes will also be looking beautiful too.

  • Cuticles are important on the feet too - so as with the hands use a cuticle oil on the toes cuticle area.

With these top tips your hands and feet will be winter ready and looking gorgeous.

Next time we will be looking at the amazing treatment that is Hopi Ear Candles.

Take care

Harriet xxx

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